Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2009

Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom is made of coconut oil, palm oil, olive oil and rapeseed/canola oil (can anyone tell poor little English-as-a-second-language me what's the difference between rapeseed and canola?!), almond oil and castor oil. I added liquid silk protein and a cherry perfume oil which has a lovely bottom note of almonds. The soap is dyed with Acid Red and titanium dioxide.

The perfume oil made the soap heat up so much that it instantly went all cherry crumble on me. Had to chip away quite a bit of the soap's crumbly surface to make it look nice. The soap itself is really good, though, and its lather gets better with time.

It really seems there
are only three options when it comes to soap scents:
  • essential oil (in which case you have to pay a fortune)
  • warm-smelling perfume oils (which invariably make brownish-beige soap)
  • artificial flowery or fruity scents (which will heat up and/or harden the soap base in no time - "Blitzbeton", as we say).


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