Finally, the perfume oils, moulds and everything had arrived and I made my first scented soap: Fleur des Temples. Again, it is a cold processed soap with basic oils. To superfat the soap, I chose almond oil (I know that the process of saponification goes on even when the soap is in the mould, but I still superstitiously hope that superfatting oil added after the soap base has reached trace will somehow survive).
The fragrance oil I chose is called Frangipani, or: Plumeria, but I liked the French name Fleur des Temples (Temple flower) better. The fragrance made the soap heat up quite a bit, but it didn't gel all the way through. The titanium dioxide became a little flaky, as you can see in the second picture. The soap looked very nice though, and it smelled fantastic and made a good lather. I gave most of the them away to family and friends, but I used some and I have of course kept one.
Looking through my folder of soap fotos, I have noticed that I didn't take any pictures of this soap once they were out of the moulds, neither is there a foto of the wrapped and labelled soaps (I used to create elaborate labels for my first couple of soaps, haven't done this in a while. Perhaps I should take that up again).
Edit: This is the label. Again, the artwork is courtesy of Julia Galster. Love the floral pattern.
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